This video reveals to you so far unknown facts about drugs. Seen from a multi-dimensional perspective drugs do very sinister things to your energetic system – and this is extra harmful to people who have a lot of inner problems to deal with. Drugs may inflict irreparable damages to you. Do not use psychedelic drugs!
AIC: Beware of DRUGS
AIC: Beware of DRUGS
AIC warns everyone to use psychedelic drugs, whether illegal or legal, i.e. redesigned molecules that have not yet become illegal.
We see that especially young people are at risk of using many of the drugs that are out there on the market, where the access is big via several major Internet sites, especially now when unemployment is high and the faith in the future is low.
It is claimed that many of these drugs give spiritual experiences and even multidimensional consciousness. NOTHING could be more wrong than this. Drugs put a stop to all further development of the human consciousness.
How can one believe that by taking drugs such as heroin, opium, cocaine, amphetamines, LSD, peyote, ayahuasca, hashish, cannabis, pills, etc. that such drugs could raise the consciousness in the user to a higher qualitative multi-dimensional level? Many believe there are easy ways to increase their consciousness – or that nothing needs to be done. Here enter the powers of darkness and permeate everywhere in society, often unconsciously.
A higher quality consciousness is achieved through diligent training of the consciousness through a special meditation program. This specific meditation training is conducted over a long period of time with the aim to release all stored negative preconceptions that the individual has accumulated over thousands of years of incarnations (births) on this planet. There is no other way for the expansion of consciousness than this form of exercise that requires focus, self-control and perseverance and genuine desire to free oneself from all the illusion that one has created for himself over many thousands of years.
How can one be so naive to think that by taking a drug will achieve the same thing!
The psychedelic drug does the following for its victim – and it happens in most cases unknowingly … but first, it can give a drug influence, “a high” … an experience, for example a feeling or a vision into the astral world …
The visions into the astral world are linked to the user, i.e. victim. If one is seeing angels or demons, the devil or Jesus, different colors, patterns, or whatever it may be, is completely linked to the victim’s inner compositions of preconceptions, attitudes, worldviews, spiritual awareness, and is connected to the own family, country, conflicts, i.e. all that it is linked to the person’s life, i.e. the person’s own inner being. Any other experience will never occur. Some believe during the drug influence that they have a higher consciousness or that it persists afterwards. For some, an experience can provide a certain type of information, but it is completely colored by the person’s own inner psychic composition, which is an illusion, i.e. completely individual. Some hear voices that tell them that they are chosen to help mankind, while they cannot even help themselves.
What happens is the brain’s electromagnetic protective field weakens, i.e. a protective shield against astral experiences, energies, beings, creatures while at the same time having all individual psychic programming left – own problems, that haven’t been worked off with the right meditation. This weakening of the electromagnetic protection is obviously not good.
You should know, that out in the parallel world are countless (subtle) astral entities and the least developed ones are just adjacent to our physical world, i.e. murderers, criminals, drug addicts, power prone beings – oh yes, beings with the lowest possible qualities as their most dominant characteristics.
When in the individual the electromagnetic protection is weakened or gradually is weakened, then these astral forces put their claws into the victim. In most cases, this is done without the victim knowing about it. If the person in question has been using drugs for many years, so the negative impact can be very strong and not knowing anything about it. The individual may instead believe that he has a higher consciousness, because he senses so and gets information, or in some cases even hear voices talking about what he should do, voices that are initially friendly, but after a while start to threaten the individual that is used as an instrument, tool for own selfish purposes. This occurs when the astral influence from the possessor is so established that the individual has begun to fully trust the contact. This is called obsession, and the existence of this is unfortunately denied by most psychologists or psychiatrists. In psychiatry, obsession is called schizophrenia, and they think this can be ridden through medications. The voice may disappear, but the demon is left.
Low astral beings can go in during the first drug influence. When you haven’t ridden yourself from inner lower structures and experiences by prolonged real genuine meditation, these structures will resonate with similar structures in the astral world. This always happens, but if you take drugs, the impact will get so much stronger and open, and the victim usually denies this categorically, as a false defense, and believes in it himself.
Drugs put a stop – completely – to all further development of consciousness. To correct this kind of fault it may require many incarnations just to sort out this small simple mistake that unfortunately was made. If one has descended way down the drug swamp, so there may be needed hundreds of incarnations to correct it, if one even is allowed to incarnate more here on earth. If one has degenerated too much consciously, so there are no parents on this planet who can take on to bring birth to such a being. If it has gone too far, so the child behaves already at an early age in a non-social way, biting, tearing down wallpapers, and mainly behaves in the worst possible way. The worst children are not born, because no parents can handle them.
Think for yourself! We have lived here for many thousands of years in countless incarnations; some have lived here more than 100 000 years. Over this time one collects experiences which are also part of the meaning of our lives – experiences that ultimately gives consciousness. These experiences give psychic programming to our energy bodies, i.e. our astral body. In average an individual has collected so much mind matter, i.e. programming that has been stored that everything in our world becomes illusion, i.e. the individual reality. We all have different realities, because we reason emotionally differently in different situations. We have created our own reality, i.e. the situation that we have incarnated in and which is now the sum of everything we’ve been through.
There is a reason why we have the electromagnetic protection in our brain – so we not lower ourselves to be tools and end up in the claws of lower astral entities. Those entities, who are closest to our three-dimensional world, and want to satisfy their own shortcomings through their victims, because the victims have physical bodies and the astral entities have none themselves.
A drug thus opens the gate to a distorted astral world that one has created for himself. The advice is to keep the door closed and work off all own mind programming. Do not go down the drug swamp that leads to passivity, dependency, degeneration, crime, despair and finally death. All promises that a new or old drug would give a higher consciousness are completely wrong. We hope that we have made this clear here, as we have said that all people have to work off all their mind programs first, in order to achieve a higher multidimensional quantum consciousness.
Train instead your consciousness, work off all your mind programming that keeps you imprisoned in this world, and let your consciousness later open up entirely on a higher quality plane or level. Then you have become a Master in life, and can decide whether you want to be born back to Earth, or live on a higher dimensional plane – but you choose yourself and you have taken charge of your life – like all great masters that have lived on Earth have done and advocated. They have like Sandor A Markus in the strongest terms advised against all drug use, and remarked that drugs put an end to all further human development.
Many have experienced near-death experiences. Such an experience is a direct indication in what kind of state the individual ends up in in afterlife. How do you want your life to be after your earthly life – and in your next coming incarnations?
Make the decision to train and gradually head for a genuine multi-dimensional quantum consciousness. Reject totally from the use of all drugs! There are no shortcuts!
The choice is yours!
If you know you have drugged over a period of time and want to change your life for the better, so you shall do it. But you should also be aware that the influences from the astral plane’s lower regions may pose a direct obstacle to your development. In these cases, you should do your very best to develop, and you may need extra protection programs to reduce the influence – and you need also information so you can protect yourself.
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